
I have the incredible privilege of attending the University of Michigan. Here I take mostly classes within the Stats, Math, and EECS department, but have ventured outside to fulfill some of my personal curiosities.

Law Quad
The Law Quad at Michigan

Current Coursework (W25)

  • STATS 426: Introduction to Theoretical Statistics

  • DATASCI 415: Data Mining and Statistical Learning

  • THEORY 238: Introduction to Music Analysis

  • PUBHLTH 345: Public Health Data Visualization

Relevant Coursework

These courses are relevant to my background as a statistics and data science double major

  • STATS 413: Applied Regression Analysis

  • DATASCI 451: Bayesian Data Analysis

  • EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms

  • STATS 425: Introduction to Probability

  • STATS 306: Introduction to Statistical Computing

  • STATS 250: Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

  • EECS 280: Programming and Introductory Data Structures

  • EECS 203: Discrete Math

  • EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts

  • MATH 214: Applied Linear Algebra

  • MTH 293: Calculus III (At Washtenaw Community College)

Other Coursework

These courses were taken more as a personal passion. While not completely relevant to my major, they serve as a foundation for who I am and my belief in a multifaceted education.

  • HISTORY 376: Epidemics: Plagues and Cultures from the Black Death to the Present

  • THEORY 137: Introduction to the Theory of Music

  • MUSICOL 123: Introduction to Popular Music