I have the incredible privilege of attending the University of Michigan. Here I take mostly classes within the Stats, Math, and EECS department, but have ventured outside to fulfill some of my personal curiosities.
The Law Quad at Michigan
STATS 426: Introduction to Theoretical Statistics
DATASCI 415: Data Mining and Statistical Learning
THEORY 238: Introduction to Music Analysis
PUBHLTH 345: Public Health Data Visualization
These courses are relevant to my background as a statistics and data science double major
STATS 413: Applied Regression Analysis
DATASCI 451: Bayesian Data Analysis
EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms
STATS 425: Introduction to Probability
STATS 306: Introduction to Statistical Computing
STATS 250: Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
EECS 280: Programming and Introductory Data Structures
EECS 203: Discrete Math
EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts
MATH 214: Applied Linear Algebra
MTH 293: Calculus III (At Washtenaw Community College)
These courses were taken more as a personal passion. While not completely relevant to my major, they serve as a foundation for who I am and my belief in a multifaceted education.
HISTORY 376: Epidemics: Plagues and Cultures from the Black Death to the Present
THEORY 137: Introduction to the Theory of Music
MUSICOL 123: Introduction to Popular Music